
Found 2 results in 113.73 ms.

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Gunn, Ronald Campbell, 1808-1881 (7) (person)

Botanist, public servant and politician. Gunn arrived in Hobart in 1830. He worked first at Launceston as Assistant Superintendent of Convicts, and later as a police magistrate and secretary to Sir John Franklin. In 1855 he was elected first to the Legislative Council and finally to the House of Assembly, from which he retired in 1860. He became a plant collector for W. J. Hooker of Glasgow. See ADB v.1: 492-3. R.C. Gunn was a prominent Tasmanian botanist, public servant...

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Gunn, Ronald Campbell, 1808-81 (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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